Update From Ross H. Dixon, dds

Updated: May 18, 2020

Updated 05.11.2020:

Good News!

The California Department of Health has given us the green light to start seeing patients again. We will move cautiously with new protocols in place to reopen in a way that prioritizes patient and staff health and safety. 

Hygiene appointments will begin on May 18th, along with treatment as needed.  We will do our best to get everyone in as quickly as possible. 

The California Department of Health has given us the green light to start seeing patients again. We will move cautiously with new protocols in place to reopen in a way that prioritizes patient and staff health and safety. Hygiene appointments will begin on May 18th, along with treatment as needed. We will do our best to get everyone in as quickly as possible. 

Please wear a mask or face covering to your appointment and wash your hands upon arrival. We will take your temperature with a touch less thermometer before each appointment. Please let us know prior to your appointment if you've had Covid-19 symptoms in the previous two weeks. These include cough, shortness of breath, fever, sore throat or loss of taste and/or smell. Patients with active infections should not receive dental treatment.

We have invested heavily in new equipment to mitigate viral transmission. We have in place multiple air purifiers with medical grade H13 HEPA filtration that will filter the entire volume of air in the office 7-8 times per hour. We are upgrading our chair side suction systems to mitigate particulates and aerosols at the source.

We also have the advantage of being a low volume office. As you've probably experienced, we rarely have patients in the reception area for any length of time and we make punctuality a top priority so social distancing should not be an issue. Although not likely, if there is an issue we will have patients wait in the car until their appointment is ready to begin to minimize interactions.

Dr. Dixon and his staff all have families at home and we would not see patients if we did not feel it was safe for everyone involved. Dr. Dixon did his dental training in San Francisco in the late 1990's. HIV / AIDS was prevalent and the school provided free care to HIV+ and AIDS patients. As many as 1/3 of his patients were diagnosed positive under his care. At that time a positive diagnosis was still likely a grave situation. Through this experience we learned to treat every patient like they may carry a communicable disease. The protocols put in place to sanitize each operatory and sterilize every piece of equipment between appointments kills Hepatitis A, Tuberculosis, the common flu, Covid-19 and everything else that will come in the future. 

Oral health is a critical component of overall health and we look forward to seeing you soon to help you get back on the path to a healthy mouth. We hope this unprecedented situation hasn't been too difficult on you and your family and hope that we will all be returning to some form of normalcy,

Stay safe and vigilant.

Ross Dixon and staff