Ross H. Dixon, DDS
Toothpaste choices
These days, you may feel overwhelmed by the types of toothpaste available at your grocery store or pharmacy. Just remember, the best...
Ross H. Dixon, DDS
Dental Myth: Knocked out teeth are lost forever
Though many hockey players consider a lost tooth a badge of honor, it is possible to re-implant a knocked-out adult tooth. A severed root...
Ross H. Dixon, DDS
Chew on this
Gum: When it comes to chewing gum, it's the type of gum you chew that makes a difference in whether it's helpful or harmful to your...
Ross H. Dixon, DDS
Chew on celery for healthy teeth
Did you know something as simple as celery protects your teeth in two ways? 1. The extra chewing it requires produces plenty of saliva,...
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